When my youngest son was 1, I have three, now 35, 43, and 46, I suffered a car accident. I was off work for some years. As a result he and I would hang out together for many hours a day. One of our fave pastimes was being across the street at the park playground. Me and a bunch of single Moms! Most of their children were girls. There were a few boys playing but groups of girls were always there. I spent time watching and I noticed a number of things. First, the little girls would systematically exclude one person from the group. An Alpha, usually the same little girl would run things and her little grouping would push one member from the group, bring her back in while then excluding another member. This happened in every girl group. There was a constant flow of fringe girl going in and out. There always seemed to be one out, being shunned by the other 3 or 4. The Alpha mare would have a couple of stalwarts who would immediately take cues from the Alpha and push whomever had stepped out of line. It was weird. These girls were four years off age!! Second, a little girl would fall and every single Mom would run over and comfort her. A little boy would fall and cry and half the time the mom would ignore him for 30 seconds and then disparage him to her female friends ‘he’s such a little baby!’ And then genuinely go over and comfort him. But. It before making him wait. None of the other Mom would jump up as they would when a little girl fell and cried. Every single one of these Moms would have angrily said she was a feminist.

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It was eye opening. The feminists were pushing male female stereotypes 100%. Which makes sense since that is what they see and are fixated on.

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At the time even though I wasn’t working I had money coming in from investments. We were doing fine financially. Once the moms knew that, single or not, my status in the group went way up. If I had been a ‘player’, which I’m not, the playground could have been a playground in more ways than one. As far as the ‘he’s married...I would never date a married man’ idea went it turns out it is just an idea. Real life transcends it.

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That time taught me a lot about women. They’re kind of ruthless!

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023

I don't think you care about little girls either. No one really does. You want to use them for your agenda that paints all women, expect for you obviously, as bad. In other words you engage in this same toxic competition that you so called hate. As most evo psyh women do. They actively use this information as a way to sabotage other women by tarnishing the image of women altogether. The little girls you are talking about will just be told how horrible they are for being girls and "toxic".

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If you had read my work you would know I - and other "evo psyh women" - do no such thing. We are not MRA's. In fact, I have as much distain for MRA's as I have for feminists. Both are ideologues using and promoting the "battle of the sexes" for gain.

My thesis is that women are no better or worse than men. That they are powerful and active evolutionary agents. Just as with male intrasexual competition, most harm is done to men by other men. It's the same for female intrasexual competition. The sooner we all realise this, the sooner we can actually help women and girls instead of infantilising them.

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No one really cares about little girls!?! If my granddaughter needed a heart transplant and none was available she could have mine. Instant. No hesitation. Can I safely assume you don’t have children?

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